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Rules and photos

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Broadview Acres Campground Fishing Rules & Information

1. The owners and management of this campground are not responsible for any damages due to direct/general damages, incidental damages, and/or consequential damages. Campers/Visitors must carry their own insurance to protect against damage including but not limited to fire, theft, freezing, accidents, loss of life, loss of limbs, Acts of God, etc. You understand that you are camping at your own risk.

2. Management reserves the right to evict anyone who refuses to comply with the rules and regulations set forth. NO REFUNDS will be given for anyone who is evicted.

3. Fishing passes are required for each person fishing. (Under age 8, no pass required as long as fish are thrown back) Passes may be purchased in the office. No state license required. Management reserves the right to see all fishing passes upon request. 

4. Fishing is $15.00 per person, per day for non-campers and $8.00 per person, per day for registered campers. Seasonal campers are given two fishing passes per site.

5. Fishing passes expire at 8:00 am daily for campers and overnight guests. All fish must be out of the pond by 8:00 am or they will count toward the current days pass.        

6. Fishing hours for non-campers are between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm daily.

7. No electrical lights for fishing, lanterns and battery operated only.

8. No catching fish with nets. Nets are only to be used when landing fish that have been caught with a hook.

9. Anyone caught chumming or using blood bags will result in losing fishing privileges.

10. All bass will remain in the pond.

11. There is a limit of 6 fish per person, per day.

12. There is a limit of 2 poles per person.

13. Poles cannot be left unattended for more than thirty minutes.

14. Each person must have their own stringer or fish basket, if more than six fish are in one basket it will be considered as your fish. Only one pass will be issued per day.

15. All waste from cleaning fish must be placed in an air-tight plastic bag and placed in the trash dumpster. Do not throw dead fish remains back into the pond or creek. 

16. Do not disturb or handle other people’s fish baskets or fishing equipment. If it does not belong to you, then leave it alone.

17. Children under age 10 are not allowed around the pond, unless accompanied by an adult 18 years or older.

18. Absolutely no fishing from the bridge.

19. Please attend to your own children and help them understand these rules

20. NO REFUNDS will be given for fishing.

These rules are required in order to abide by State Regulations. All rules will be strictly enforced by management and security.

Rules are subject to change without notice.

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4850 S. Broadview Road

Colfax, Indiana 46035

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